Interference With Employment

Unfortunately some employers and managers interfere with an employee’s employment relationship out of sheer malice. For example, a former employer may give a false and damaging reference to an employee’s prospective new employer resulting in the new employer deciding not to hire the employee. Or an employee’s supervisor may give the employee a false and negative performance evaluation in order to get the employee fired.

Employees who have been the victims of such interference may have a common law claim against an employer or even an individual manager for what is called “tortious interference with an employment expectancy.” To prevail on this type of claim the employee needs to prove that the manager or employer interfered with the employee’s present or future employment opportunities simply to harm the employee or for some other improper purpose.

If you believe an employer or supervisor is interfering with your ability to remain employed or obtain a new job, contact us online or call us to discuss how to obtain redress.

Leveling the Playing Field for Employees

Fill out the contact form or call us at (312) 269-0200 or (402) 951-9330 to schedule your consultation.

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